Jesus, my Friend and Friend of Sinners. Friend to all.

Jesus said to His disciples: 

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”
John 15:12‭-‬15 NIV

Jesus was the ultimate example of pure friendship. His disciples weren’t just His followers or students, nor were they just servants and Him- the Master in fact He took it upon Himself to serve them. If you love someone, whether it’s a friendship, marriage or family relationship or school or work relationship- you seek out ways to help serve and care for others just as Jesus did. 

Let’s think about Jesus’s beloved besties here: We got a list of the 12 disciples “the crew” or “the squad” if you may. And of those 12, Jesus had 3 inner circle “ride or die” type of friends Peter, James and John. Some say Jesus greatest miracle was still have close reliable friendships in his 30s. They are hard to find and keep the older you get sometimes. Jesus had other friends besides the chosen students of His: the female disciples such as Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susana the ones who found the empty tomb! Then there’s Mary, Martha and Lazarus of Bethany. Also, His own biological immediate family, remember Jesus was Mary’s firstborn her and Joseph had many more children (approximately 6) after baby Jesus including James (James the Just), Joseph Jr. (Joses), Simon, and Judas known as Jude, he also had sisters but they were not named (Matthew 13:55). Jesus was and in indeed unlike anyone else, but He was and is the most approachable, gentle, humble, loving and perfect individual to ever walk this earth. Those He loves, (all of us) He loves with passion and unconditionally. He still does.

Jesus, friend of sinners. That is something He is often referred to. He was never afraid to befriend and reach out to the outcast, broken, left out misfits of society. Some of these people were outcasts because of circumstances beyond their control like sickness and disease and some were outcasts because of bad reputations like harlots and tax collectors. He is a restorer and mender of brokenness and a healer of all emotional, spiritual and physical sicknesses and diseases. Like I said unconditional and without limits, He had boundaries just like we need to but loving others to show them the way, teach them about the Kingdom of God. To seek and save the lost.

Jesus did all things: teach, lead, challenged leaders and anyone with hard questions that opened not only their minds but their hearts, heal the sick, perform amazing miracles, delivered people out their own bondage and vices, cast out demons, he served meals, he cooked, he fished, he built things, he read, he spent quiet time alone in prayer with the Father, he taught and lead by example, he loved and gave His life for His friends. Let’s live and be like Jesus. He is still alive and would love to be your best friend, if you just let Him in.

Love in friendship and grace,

Heather H. Carnley

“What a Friend we have in Jesus”

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer

Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh, what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Resurrection Power, Death to Life

Have you ever prayed for a miracle and felt like it didn’t happen the way you wanted it to? Even when you’ve seen amazing miracles happen in the exact way for others. That’s probably how Mary and Martha felt. The two sisters and their dear brother Lazarus were very close friends of Jesus and the disciples. In fact this Mary is the same one who anointed Jesus’s feet with very expensive perfume and wept tears of worship on his feet. They knew what Jesus could do, what He taught and most importantly they knew and loved Him. The Son of God, surely He could easily heal and restore health to their gravely ill brother Lazarus. However when Jesus heard about it in the next town over, He had been teaching and preaching to another crowd. He was taking care of His Father’s business, on assignment. It wasn’t as if Mary, Martha and Lazarus weren’t important, they already had accepted and received Jesus as the Messiah. He was teaching those who had not heard about the Kingdom of Heaven, the Gospel. Their miracle was coming, but Jesus had a particular timing for a reason, the reason being so that God the Father could be glorified in it all. If Jesus would’ve came earlier He could’ve just easily healed Lazarus’ sickness and that would be all there was to it. Many people had seen Him heal the sick before. But what He was going to do was far greater than any doctor could ever do. He would raise the dead back to life! He waited. He did it purposefully so they would all believe that God sent Him! Mary, Martha and everyone else said He was too late, he was already gone! 


Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. “Take away the stone,” he said. “But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.” Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.” When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

John 11:38‭-‬44 NIV

Have you ever felt that way before? Like it was too late for a change, the chance of a miracle had come and gone, the hope and dream was well past dead? Lazarus had been dead and buried for four days! When we feel like it’s over, it’s done- He is always on time! You may have given up, when you’re miracle is on it’s way! And yet sometimes we have to understand that our miracle is not always about us, Lazarus’ didn’t get healed right away, but he was restored! His miracle was a testimony to others witnessing what had happened. Our prayers for healing of the sick loved ones may not always be answered on this side of Heaven. Jesus made sure that God the Father in heaven was glorified through this miracle. A little known fact is that this was one of the last miracles Jesus performed, after that they sought out to arrest Him! He was foreshadowing what was to come the Resurrection of His own life after the crucifixion that would take place. Jesus said in John 11:25-26 “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

John 11:25‭-‬26 NIV

The greatest miracle yet was still to come!

What “dead” dreams and “hope is gone” in your life need to be resurrected? On the flip side, what things do you need to let go of? Scripture says we die daily to our sin nature and live in the hope that Christ Jesus gives us. We, too, will live eternally with Jesus when we go to Heaven. But you have to accept the gift first. 

Stay hopeful, your miracle may be late to you but He’s always on time! 

With hope, Heather Carnley

Justice of Peace, Walk in Freedom

Peace vs. Chaos. Justice vs. Injustice. Fear vs. Faith. Freedom vs. Captivity. July 4, 1776 and June 19, 1865…dates that represent freedom. One for the birth of a country breaking away from a tyrannical ruler, the other for people the first time being called free and not someone else’s property. Rewind centuries earlier, thousands of years earlier: a dreary Friday, a silent Saturday, and a glorious Sunday where death had been defeated…the day where true freedom began.

In the world as of lately, it was and is in an uproar let’s be realistic. A global pandemic causing death, everything to shut down and people living in fear. A battle against racial tension and injustice, inequality. Politics. Economic crisis. A coin shortage. Churches under attack from the enemy. And so much more, it will make your head spin if it’s all you consume yourself with. You will drive yourself crazy if it’s all you see and hear and let yourself think about. Step away and look at society, and look at it a little more personally: Who is in control of your actions? Who is in control of your thoughts and opinions? Who is in control of how your feelings and emotions cause you to react? Who is in control of the choices you make? The answer to all these questions is the same…YOU. God is in control of all things in the great big world and universe, but He gave us the ability to think, know, grow, live and make our own choices…good ones and bad ones. Freedom of choice. Freedom of opinion. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of speech. (Scripture says to be careful with our words because the power of life and death is in the tongue) We live in a country where we can do just about anything that is legal of course. You even have the freedom (free will) to go and make bad decisions (remember to everything there is a consequence). You sadly can oppress your own self by choices you make, in the form of addictions or vicious cycles if you so choose. You can work, you can dream, you can have a family. You can go into your church and worship freely. We have those rights. In the Declaration of Independence it states these three main points: All men (and women) are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable Rights including Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. Individuals have a civic duty to defend these rights for themselves and others. You have been given LIFE by the one who created YOU. You have been given LIBERTY, freedom by His Son Jesus on the Cross. You have been given the pursuit of happiness by the JOY that He brings you…anything else you chase and pursue you won’t always catch. This world cannot steal away what it did not give you to begin with. What is given by God cannot be taken away.

Let’s go back to that last part, no one can steal your joy or your peace, because no one in this world gave it to you. But freedom now, no one or no thing can hold you captive unless you let them have the keys! What freedom feels like is walking in your calling. What freedom feels like is knowing you are protected and loved. Freedom feels like a safety net and leap of fearless faith all in one because His arms will catch you. Freedom to fly and soar. What freedom feels like is walking into the sunlight. What freedom feels like is breathing in new fresh air in lungs once suffocated by panic. What freedom feels like is a new life. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! Jesus sets free every captive. He has the key, let Him in. Every chain can be broken or if it has a lock, you know there’s a key to it somewhere! Stop letting other people’s opinions, choices, words and actions determine you and your choices, opinions, words and actions. We often fall victim to our own thoughts, we create our own prisons of doubt and fear. Y’all, who the SON sets FREE is FREE INDEED! Stop letting others opinions and choices effect and dictate your life! We are called to live in freedom.

God’s Ultimate Plan of Salvation: The Why

Did you know that perfection here on earth once existed? Think of the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited and or picture of a place that is so beautiful that people may call it “heaven on earth”. To each picture it may look different, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The beholder in this case, is the Creator- God the Father. He makes no mistakes, everything He created is beautiful and good. The Garden of Eden in Genesis 1-2 was absolutely beautiful and perfect. God created the oceans, mountains, valleys, all the plants, trees, every animal on earth and saw that it was good. Then He made each of us, in His image. Everything was as He created it to be, perfect. He gave one rule to Adam and Eve to not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge in the middle of the garden, anything else they could have and eat freely. But the one fruit of that particular tree was dangerous-it wasn’t literally poison but the aftermath would contaminate Adam and Eve’s lives as well as everyone else after them: something toxic and deadly called sin that marred and tainted the perfection that God created. You see, that fruit opened their eyes to more than they ever needed to know: the conflicting battle of good and evil. Evil was never meant to have a place, but once that serpent saw a way to trick God’s beautiful humans He made then the serpent started His scheme. We were created to love and be loved by our Creator, we were never meant to have pain or hurt, to be sick, to hurt others or for evil to run rampant. God gave Adam and Eve, and us the ability of free will. 

The problem came when sin entered the world, perfection of Eden had ended. Sin is what separates us from God, it drove a wedge in an otherwise perfect relationship. 

Creation/Purpose of Mankind: “The Prologue”-Setting the Scene for God’s Ultimate Plan(Genesis 1-2)

In the beginning, God created something amazing out of absolutely nothing! God has been around before time, He has no beginning and no end. He is eternal. When the Bible says “In the beginning…” it refers to what we call time and recorded history. Genesis 1:1-2 says “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  This universe, this earth that dwell on and everything in it was created and formed by a creative, all powerful, sovereign, artistic God with many diverse details. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” God spoke everything into existence. On the first day God said “Let there be light”, and there was light. God divided the light and darkness. He called the light Day, and called the darkness Night. This evening and morning were the completion of the first day. On the second day, God created division between the sky and seas. Then the third day God created made division between the dry land and the seas. On the third day, God also created the trees, plants, and flowers. Every beautiful, lush, green blade of grass, every diverse, creative leaf, every branch of every tree, and every colorful flower God created it.  On the fourth day, God made two great lights and placed them in the sky, He called the one for the daytime, the sun. He called the other one for the nighttime, the moon. God also created and hung the planets and stars in the night sky. The fifth day, God created birds to fly in the air and fish that filled the seas. On the sixth day God created all the other animals and creatures, like mammals. But there was one special creation that was above the other things, a creation that lived, moved, and could think. 

On the sixth day, God created and formed humankind. Everything God created, He spoke into existence, because He has that kind of power and authority. But when creating man God formed Adam from the dust of the earth. He sculpted, crafted, and formed man with personal care and intricate detail. Genesis 1:26-27 speaks of how God created mankind by stating “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” God created man in His image, and then woman was fashioned and created from man’s rib. God formed man, whom He called Adam, from dust and breathed His very own breath of life into him and he began to live. God saw that it wasn’t good for man to be alone so He created woman, whom He called Eve, from Adam’s rib. God gave these human beings dominion and authority over all the creatures of the earth. Adam and Eve walked, talked, and spent time with God. We carry the same attributes of personality and emotion. God is love, and we were created for a love relationship with God and others. He created Eve to have a relationship with Adam. Throughout Genesis 1 & 2, numerous times it says God looked at His creation and saw that is was good. But God saw that man was alone, He said this isn’t good. Then God created woman and saw that it was good. Creation was now complete, man and woman were together. We are capable of feelings, deep critical thinking, emotions, love, and the ability to have dominion and control over the animals. Our flaws and things we may not like about ourselves like body image. God created all of His children differently, but yet we are all created in His image. Genesis 1:28 states God’s purpose for humanity, “God said, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’ And God said, ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” As human beings the most important purpose of our lives to grow in relationship with God and glorify Him. All throughout Scripture the purpose of man is mentioned. Isaiah 43:7 says “Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him yes, I have made him.” later on in 43:21 says “This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise.” We are created in His image to glorify Him. The purpose of God reveals His entire purpose of all of creation in Habakkuk 2:14, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” 

The Need of Salvation/Problem of Sin (Genesis 3-11)

In Genesis 3 we see this ideal and beautiful relationship between God the creator and mankind the created, become marred and tainted. Genesis 3:1 introduces a creature “more cunning than any beast”; the serpent. The serpent, Satan, was talking to Eve and Adam was also present with her. The serpent lied and said “God is just trying to keep knowledge from you, He doesn’t want you to become like Him; all-knowing and powerful”. Before the fall, everything was how God intended it to be. Then sin entered the picture. Genesis 1:28 gives the first command “Be fruitful and multiply, subdue and rule the earth. Genesis 2:16-17 gives the second command, “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; ‘but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” This did not mean that Adam and Eve would physically die immediately, the flesh has overtaken the spirit; meaning that because of sin we will all one day die. Romans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. Sin is the barrier that separates us from God. God is holy and set apart. Sin dominates the fallen world we live in. Adam and Eve were ashamed and tried to hide in the garden from God, but He still pursued them. Today God still pursues us even when we try to run away. Genesis 3:15 is a prophetic verse in Scripture that reminds of the consequences of sin as well as the ultimate sacrifice that has to be made. Genesis 3:15 says “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.” The Seed of woman is the offspring that later comes in the New Testament, God incarnate, divinity in human form…Jesus Christ of Nazarene. The seed of the serpent obviously is Satan. A snake can strike a human’s heel by biting, “you shall bruise His heel” and a human can crush a snake’s head, “He shall bruise your head.” The world had increasingly become sinful, tainted and corrupt. Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Abel and Cain both presented offerings to the Lord, but Cain’s was not acceptable to Him. Cain became jealous and angry, so he killed his brother Cain. God knew and punished Cain, banishing from the land like a fugitive and nomad. Eve eventually conceived and gave birth to another son named Seth (Gen. 4:25-26). Genesis 4 ends with the descendants of Seth. 

The world that God had created and “saw that it was good” had become so sinful that a man would kill his own brother. In Genesis 5, we see a recap of Genesis 1:26-27; mankind being made in the image of God; and we also see a brief history of the genealogies of mankind. The world had become so sinful that God was sorry that He made man. God saw that there was one righteous man and his family, his name was Noah. Noah was the only righteous man that followed the Lord. Noah was not a perfect and saintly man, but He followed the Lord. God gave Noah specific and very detailed instructions to build an ark. The ark was kind of like a giant floating box, made to float like a boat but had no rudders, oars, or any type of steering. The ark floated and drifted whichever way the Lord sent it with the wind and waves. The reason God told Noah to build this ark is because God was going to send rain to flood the entire earth! God wanted to wipe the earth clean of its corruptness and start all over again. It took Noah approximately 120-140 years to build the ark. God told Noah to only bring his family, his wife, three sons; Ham, Shem, Japheth and their wives along with two of every animal that was “unclean” meaning those that they couldn’t eat as food. Yet God asked for seven each of clean animal, so they would have enough for food as well. The Lord sent one male and female animal so they could reproduce and multiply. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights until the earth was completely covered in water, even the mountains were covered! The water stayed on the earth 150 days (Gen. 7:24) Noah sent out a raven and a dove, one day the dove returned with an olive branch, meaning that the waters had receded. God placed a rainbow in the sky as a covenant and promise that He would never destroy the earth again (Gen. 9:13-15). Genesis 10 and 11 we see the ancestry of all the generations after Noah, his sons, and their descendants. 

Genesis 11 tells of nations that had formed out the descendants of Noah. Genesis 11:1 says “Now the whole earth had one language and one speech.” But they began to want more, similar to when Eve was tempted by the serpent to know more and become like God. In Genesis 11:4 we see that they wanted to make a name for themselves, “And they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” The Lord saw what they were doing. God scatters them and confuses their language. This was what we call the tower of Babel. In Genesis 11:7-9, we see how the “nations” began to spread out and grow. Genesis 11:6-9 says, “And the Lord said, ‘Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing  that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.’ So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.” God is beginning to make many nations. We begin to see the multiplying of generations throughout the years and ancestry in Genesis 11.

Genesis 1-11 is known as the prologue, setting the scene of the beginning of God’s ultimate plan of redemption.  We have four main components that introduce what we now read as our Bible. The four components are Creation and the purpose of Man (Genesis 1-2), the Need of Salvation that we have for God’s mercy because of the problem of sin also known as the Fall (Genesis 3-5), the Noah’s ark of safety amidst the catastrophic flood that God used to wipe the earth of all its corruptness (Genesis 6-10), and the flop of the tower of Babel by the scattering of many people and confusion of multiple languages (Genesis 11). All of these events form the foundation for God’s blessings and His ultimate plan to be known and worshiped throughout all the earth.  The earth is beginning to be filled with people. Each of these people were sons and daughters of God. God stated a command to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth will people who reflect His glory. God’s plan to reflect His glory is through people who love Him as well as love others. We are His chosen instruments, as mankind to reflect His glory in all the earth; after all we are created to be His image-bearers. We needed someone perfect to fix everything, and Jesus Christ of Nazareth was His name. 

Love, Heather H. Carnley

Hope for the Hopeless: From Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday

All hope seemed lost. After a year of drastic changes from a global pandemic. Some faced a year of health crises, pain and grief, job losses and drastic cutbacks. What people thought would be temporary turned into year of chaos and uncertainty. No longer a sense of normalcy but a “new normal”. Let’s look at the past examples in history: Wars, The Great Depression, Plagues and Pandemics-they cannot and did NOT last. The “human spirit” overcame adversity and challenges. The “human spirit” is not possible without the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. Resilience will come after redemption. Think about issues everyday people meaning you or someone you know: heartbreak, loss of loved ones, miscarriages, divorce, abuse and neglect whether physical, sexual, emotional, devastating diagnoses of terminal diseases, financial hardship and distress, drug addictions, sexual addictions, homelessness, racism and social injustice, poverty, self image and body image, doubt and discouragement is evident everywhere. Some are victims of circumstances beyond their control, others may be victims of consequences of poor decisions that spiraled out of control. The fact of the matter is pain is inevitable in life at one point or another. There is evil in the world because of what happened in Genesis 3, sin entered in. But one day that ALL changed…there was HOPE for the HOPELESS.

Jesus, Son of God and Son of man. King of kings, Lord of lord’s. Prince of Peace. Jeshua. Messiah. The Good Shepherd and the Lamb of God. He is called and named many things, to Mary and Joseph that’s their baby boy and pride and joy. Jesus was called the Christ, or the Messiah when he entered into his ministry at age 30 after his baptism by John his cousin. The name “Christ” means anointed one or the Messiah. He had been prophesied and chosen by God the Father long before He was born, He knew everything and existed in heaven with the Father. The angels were sent to shepherds, the chosen caretakers. Shepherds often anointed or poured oil over their sheeps heads to keep burrs, briars, and bugs off as a protection from the sun and harsh elements as well. Jesus, the chosen anointed one is the Lamb of God, yet HE is also our shepherd who guides and guards us, cares for and protects as well as anoints us with his blessing of protection. He is the Passover Lamb that was spoken of and prophesied in Exodus, that act of obedience was the foreshadowing of what Jesus was going to do. God revealed his perfect plan to all who listened when the time had come…yet His story is still unfolding and we get to be a part of the story…

Many years ago the world saw the darkest day in history unfold…a day we call “good” seemed to feel anything but “good”. 11 men-the disciples (minus Judas the betrayer) and many other friends and followers saw their teacher, mentor and someone they loved…arrested, wrongfully accused, interrogated, beaten, stripped, whipped, spit on, and nailed to wooden cross beams to bleed and suffocate to death…how devastating and agonizing.

Grief. A familiar foe that many people know. Darkness fell over the earth when Jesus breathed His last, the veil that separated humanity from the Holy of Holies…God dwelling in the temple had been torn in two…no longer separated from God. Reconciliation came in the form of sacrifice and ransom. Friday was dark, dreadful and full of despair…Saturday it still weighed on their hearts. Shock and grief. Who would they put their trust in now that He was gone?

At the cross. Where pain and agony was on display. The cross, a from of execution and torture, much like watching an electric chair or lethal injection take place. A symbol of fate for criminals. A public execution. Something so messy and dark, became a symbol of GRACE and LOVE. Mercy opened doors that no one else can shut. Love came down and rescued us all.

Friday passed by. A somber and silent Saturday came and went. Sunday was here. In the back of their minds the words He prophesied still whispered “I will rise again in three days.” Could it be true they wondered? That morning the women went to check on His body and Mary saw a man gardening nearby and Jesus’ body was no longer in the tomb. He said why do you look for the living among the dead? Mary ran and told the others. They were in shock. Peter believed. Thomas doubted. Mary rejoiced, her son was alive.

HOPE had risen up from the grave when all hope seemed lost and gone. Death had been defeated, death died. The impossible had just happened! Not just for the sake of show and glory, Jesus brought glory and power to God the Father but it was so much more than that: wrongs had been made right, penalties had been paid, sin had been atoned for, freedom had been issued from a death sentence for all people. I leave you with this, when you feel discouraged, hopeless, lost and broken or you just messed up remember the Cross of Christ and that He took care of it for you because He loves you. Forgiveness is free, hope is here.

If you haven’t made the choice to follow Christ and want to change that today it’s really so simple: admit you need forgiveness and you need Him, ask for repentance and believe that He is Jesus Christ the Son of God and Son of Man, and ask Him to be in your life and heart. The key is you have to let Him in- He’s a gentleman who won’t barge in where He is not welcome. He already invited you into His family, you have to invite Him into your heart and life, He will guide and love you and He will never leave you, forsake or abandon you.

In Christ grace,

Heather H. Carnley

Take Up Your Cross ✝

Son of God. Son of Man. Fisherman. Carpenter. Nazarene. Rabbi. Prophet. Teacher. Friend. Savior. Lamb of God, and Lion of Judah. The Messiah, Jesus Christ. To many people, He was many things. To Mary and Joseph, that was their pride and joy-their son. To his friends and disciples, He was kind and loving. To the sick, He was far better than any physical-He was their healer. To the leaders in the synagogues, He was far too intelligent and challenging for their human minds.

The baby boy we celebrate at Christmas, grew up and became a man. A man who studied as a student, led as a rabbi, and performed many miracles. Many called him just another prophet, others called Him “blasphemous”. Not Many truly understand His purpose until they saw it fulfilled with their own eyes. At 30 years of age, He did more in 3 short years than most people will do in their lifetime, after all He is the lifegiver.

Many years ago the world saw the darkest day in history unfold…a day we call “Good Friday” seemed to feel anything but “good” to many people. An innocent man arrested and executed as if he was a notorious criminal. Someone you loved, being treated as if they were hated by all. Their teacher, mentor and someone they loved…arrested, wrongfully accused, interrogated, beaten, stripped, whipped, spit on, and nailed to wooden cross beams to bleed and suffocate to death…how devastating and agonizing to watch. Grief. But darkness fell over the earth when Jesus breathed His last, the veil that separated humanity from the Holy of Holies…God dwelling in the temple had been torn in two…no longer separated from God. Reconciliation came in the form of sacrifice and ransom. Friday was dark, dreadful and full of despair…Saturday it still weighed on their hearts. Shock and grief. Who would they put their trust in now that He was gone?

At the cross. Where pain and agony was on display. The cross, a from of execution and torture. A symbol of fate for criminals. Something so messy and dark, became a symbol of GRACE and LOVE. Mercy opened doors that no one else can shut. Love came down and rescued us all.

Friday passed by. Saturday came and went. Sunday was here. In the back of their the words He prophesied still whispered “I will rise again in three days.” Could it be true they wondered?

That morning the women went to check on His body and Mary saw a man gardening nearby and Jesus’ body was no longer in the tomb. He said why do you look for the living among the dead? Mary ran and told the others. They were in shock. Peter believed. Thomas doubted. Mary rejoiced, her son was alive.

Many had encountered Jesus and met him in his years of ministry. Some encountered Jesus after his resurrection in the forty days before he ascended to heaven. One thing for sure they had in common was that all who encountered Jesus had an experience that altered their life. You simply cannot meet Jesus and walk away the same you were. By His stripes we are healed, death has no power because of eternal life and every sin is forgiven.

The cross meant death. Jesus said “Take up your cross and follow Me.” He died so I could live. So you could live. But in order to fully live we must take up our crosses and die daily. Every sin, all shame and guilt, every addiction, every single thing that we possess in life must be mailed to the cross. What do you need to let die in your life today? What do you need to lay down and walk away from? Because when you encounter and experience Jesus it’s impossible to not be changed by the reality of the cross that was meant for you and me.

Let Him change your life. Let Him show you life. Eternal life. Resurrection power still changes lives.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”