This is me. This is 30.

This is month is my birthday month, (Monday March 9th, to be exact) and I turn the big 3-0! So here’s 30 things about me…

1. I love Jesus. I have known Him since I was 4. But really made that decision on relationship when I was 11 and really understood, I was baptized at 12. Living for Him is my joy. I am a Christian, but not by any means am I perfect.
2. I am married to a wonderful man named Wes, and we have a sweet puppy named Ginger.
3. My husband and I are both graduates of CIU (Columbia International University) in Youth Ministry & Family Culture with Bible degree.
4. I work in early childhood education, I am the Assistant Director at our daycare and I love my babies. I love being a teacher.
5. I am the Children’s Ministry Director at our church. I love teaching kids about Jesus on their level.
6. I am an enneagram type 4.
7. I am an ENFJ on the Myers-Briggs personality test.
8. I am a huge “nerd” about ancestry and geneaology, I find it fascinating and so fun to research.
9. I love history and historic sites and places, makes me feel like I’ve gone back in time to another era.
10. My husband and I absolutely love the outdoors and exploring our State Parks and National Parks. We are working on the Ultimate Outsider Challenge of visiting all 47 SC State Parks, we have done 34 so far.
11. I love my mama and daddy, they are the best role models and parents God could’ve gave me.
12. I love country cooking and also Italian food. I love to cook and bake, but my favorite restaurants would have to be Cracker Barrel, Texas Roadhouse and Olive Garden. Favorite dessert is definitely cheesecake!
13. I love to fish, hike and be anywhere outside. Especially the mountains.
14. I am a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. Let me be your personal stylist and rep!
15. My favorite trees/flowers are magnolias, coral peach roses, and stargazer lilies. Sunflowers also make me smile.
16. I love to read, write and journal. (Hope For Her Heart, my blog)
17. I love the artsy things in life like painting, drawing, and every once in awhile bringing out my old guitar.
18. I love sour candies, and I love chocolate (dark!), good strong smooth coffee and different flavored teas.
19. I am a constant encourager, I love lifting others up and staying positive. I am very empathetic towards others. However, I like to tell the truth when and where it needs to be said and my facial expressions sometimes are louder than my voice.
20. I am NOT a fan of horror movies, ghost stories or anything scary, gory or creepy. I will gladly admit I’m a chicken. Not today Satan, keep that foolishness to yourself!
21. I always dreamed of and wanted to be a musician and singer/songwriter in Nashville.
22. My favorite Disney movie and princess is Beauty & The Beast, Belle. She loved to read and was very smart and courageous, she didn’t care what people thought of her.
23. I love to travel and go places, explore. I have only flown once, and been on a cruise once. We went to Costa Rica on a mission trip in college and went to the Bahamas for our honeymoon. And now I am hooked on seeing the world and other cultures.
24. I am very Southern, born in the city but raised country. I am old fashioned in my ideas and values. I have an old soul (my hubby and I both swear we were born in the wrong generation and era). I am the baby of the family and so is Wes.
25. I am an administrative person by nature, I am planner and organizer and queen of list making. Very detail-oriented.
26. I love sing, I’ve been doing it as long as I have started talking. I love country music, southern gospel, and Christian. Every once in a while I like some old school rock, or a little hip hop and r&b to put some pep in my step.
27. My favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5&6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”
28. I am a Clemson Tiger fan and Kentucky Wildcat fan. My favorite sports are basketball, football and baseball.
29. My favorite movie is Forrest Gump, followed by Hope Floats, The Notebook and Dirty Dancing.
30. My favorite color is teal, turquoise or any shade of blues and greens.

My word for the year 2020 in my life is STAND. Stand up to fear, to self doubt, to comparison, to what ifs and stand up for what I believe in. My goals for 2020 are really more short and simple but yet more deep in some ways…

1. Read my Bible more, actually finish a reading plan in a year.
2. Grow in our marriage, and relationship with Christ together. (LOVING IT!)
3. Start working on writing a book or two. (IN THE PROCESS NOW!)
4. Take more enrichment and training classes (not just for work “professional development” but fun too: examples-writing, sewing, art, cooking, calligraphy, fitness, sign language, music, etc.)
5. Grow my Mary Kay Business (PICKING UP PRETTY WELL!)
6. CWP certification
7. Be more intentional about relationships with family and friends. Don’t waste time,make time.
8. Experiences: knock things off the bucket list
9. Get physically fit and healthy, emotionally, spiritually, and financially (get out of debt, eat better, cut out negative thoughts, exercise more often, pray more than worrying or venting)
10. Try new things.
11. Be more firm and assertive with people who don’t respect or recognize boundaries. Stop letting people undermine and push me over. Backbone. Full of grace with guts and gumption. (STAND)

To me STAND means to be brave (my word 2 years ago in 2018) from a different angle and approach: Brave is feeling and a verb, STAND is an action.

In my life, I’ve finally reached that point of I know who I am and Who’s I am! I am an adult with real responsibility, I’m married now, I have to make decisions all the time. I am the way I am and God is always showing me something and teaching me all the time. I feel more wise than I used to, but admit I still will always have more to learn. I am confident, content and comfortable but not complacent. No matter how old you are, you will never stop learning or growing. I feel like I’ve grown more than in the past 5-10 years than when I was younger. I acknowledge and accept my flaws and weaknesses, the ones that make me who I am I embrace, the ones I need to work on I let God show me and remind myself of grace. I know my strengths and who I am made to be. Some people may like me and some may not and I’m okay with that finally. I’m excited for what God has in store for me mentally, emotionally and spiritually, my personal relationship with Him, my marriage, my family, my ministry, my career, and relationships. Here’s to new adventures, new chapters, new seasons. Goodbye 20s, hello 30s. Thank God for this life.

With love, grace and confidence -Heather