Peace Be Still, Jesus Calms the Storm 

Lightning crackles across the darkened sky and thunder rolls bursting forth together in a duo of calamity. Gray clouds hover where sunlight once peaked through to warm your face. Sometimes these storms send fear and distress, others they send anticipation of a cleansing and awakening to the soul. There’s something beautiful about the rain some days but it will always come when you need it. But on the flip side of that, rain comes and sometimes ruins an otherwise perfect day. Have you ever watched a storm on the ocean? It’s sometimes scary but it is magnificent and thrilling to see in its roaring power! 

Have you ever felt like a wave tossed about in a storm? Have you ever faced a tremendous and torrential amount of rain in your own personal life? They say “when it rains, it pours.” Have you ever had a day like that? Have you had your own personal hurricane brewing in your heart or a storm of the soul? An Emotional Rollercoaster. One day you’re climbing up the hill to top and the next you drop so fast your stomach in your throat. Maybe you feel like you’re safe and secure, buckled in and have control other days, it’s like they forgot to lock down your harness and you’re hanging on for dear life. Let’s face it, some days are up and some days are down. Some days we feel like we are in control of our emotions and some days may feel like your emotions are in control of you. It’s life. Life happens. The tide is ever-changing and it flows within us-part of us but not in control of us, we can tame the tide.Emotions are not always a bad thing. After all, God created us with emotions. You have every right to feel the way you feel God put those things in our hearts and minds. Emotions are a complicated and simple thing all at the same time. Can all my ladies who deal with hormones on a regular basis say amen?! It’s normal! You simply just feel something and sometimes it’s deeper than words can articulate. Emotions range from anger, grief, joy, happiness, sadness, pain, envy, and everything in between. But in all actuality, what we need and seek is peace. A peace that passes all understanding as Scripture says in Philippians chapter 4.

Philippians 4:4-7 Paul tells us “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand, do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Let’s pull out some key phrases and elements of what he is saying to the people of Philippi:

Paul starts with “Rejoice always…” (verse 4) yes he means even in the midst of hardship (and quarantine). He says it twice, he means it.

We see several interchangeable words in the next verse (4:5) based on which translation you use ESV says “reasonableness”, NIV says “gentleness”, CSB says “graciousness”, and KJV says “moderation” in times of trouble or hardship we must let grace and gentleness show forth more than anything else. We must remember to be reasonable, submit to authority yet not worry or fear but to be wise and cautious in the midst of it all.

Verse 6 addresses worry and anxiousness head on like a warrior. It says “The Lord is at hand. Do not be anxious about anything but take everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Our antidote to worry is prayer. Why should we worry about things we can’t control when we already know the One who is in control. We are responsible for how we react, but we can be proactive through prayer and supplication. Supplication simply means the act of asking for and knowing that He will supply our needs. But we can’t go asking the Lord to grant our needs without being thankful, hence why it says “supplication with thanksgiving.” Then Paul says let your requests be made known to our God. See, this is a reminder because we know that God knows our hearts and minds and every thought in them, we are to use prayer as our way of talking with Him about it instead of worrying about it.

Now here is one of my favorite parts of this passage in verse 7: “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” That means peace that baffles others. When the world looks at you or me, as a follower of Christ and wonders “why are you at peace and so calm in the middle of  crazy chaos?” or “why are you not worried or freaking out right now?” It’s because they don’t understand. Peace that even when we don’t know how or why, it washes over you. The peace that passes understanding comes from Christ. So taking all the fear, worry, anxiousness and anxiety and trading it for His peace that He gives us when we pray.

When Jesus calmed the storm, He told the disciples not to worry. He was in control. Peter had to have faith to walk out of the boat and step out onto the waves and take Jesus’ hand. When Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the storm, he started to drown and sink. We have to have faith to embrace the storm and listen to the peace.

So, I hope this spoke to your heart and soul today- sometimes the storm is around and we learn how to brave and weather it together, holding secure to His hope as an anchor for our soul (Hebrews 6:19). Sometimes we have to drown out the lightning, thunder and waves and listen to Jesus’ voice saying “Peace, be still”. Sometimes the storm is not around us but in us, we are sometimes the storm. Storms can cleanse and clear paths for something greater. What kind of storm is brewing in your life? Find the peace or embrace the rain. 

Love, Heather Carnley 

A Day in the Life of a Fire Wife-Volunteering to save lives

Tones drop, even when they’re not at the station. Radio chatter, hearing the dispatcher relay the situation at hand. Notifications pinging throughout the day. Gear bag and boots ready in bag by the door. Charging radio batteries. The majority of his wardrobe in the laundry being fire department shirts. Hearing an engine or ladder company go by sirens blaring wondering if its his crew. Waving at every fire truck that rides by because it might just be part of your fire family and if not it’s someone’s family. Trying to watch a tv show or movie and firefighter and trucks are on scene and he scoffs and laughs saying “That’s not how you do it! That’s Hollywood, it’s not accurate.” I just smile and laugh. Buying every firetruck or Maltese cross emblem or ornament or trinket as small reminders of how proud I am of him. For as long as we have been dating, he has been a volunteer firefighter and I have been a preschool teacher. We were both young and had been out of college two years, we were indeed brand new rookies. We had known each other 5 years as college friends, we didn’t date until 2 years after we graduated. In college we both graduated with the same Bachelor’s degree of Science in Youth Ministry and Family Culture.  Little did we know that our “ministry” would look different than we ever expected. Wes loves what he does, but yet most people think volunteer firefighters aren’t “actual” firefighters or that they don’t get paid because they are “volunteer”, or that they don’t do the same stuff career firefighters (just like some people think that childcare and preschool teachers don’t do the same amount of work that regular school teachers do). Let me set the record straight on all regards here, IT IS the same. Volunteer Firefighters have to go through the same recruitment classes, rigorous training, and testing that a career firefighter does. Danger or fire doesn’t care if you or career or volunteer, you must be ready and trained either way. Training, drills, station meetings, classes and continuing education that they do, community outreach and service-everything they do career staff and volunteers do it together as a team-there is no difference. As for pay, they do get a check for what they earn and do every so often a month or quarter. Back to what I said about how our “ministry” looks different than what we expected it would from our college days, firefighting is a ministry in it’s own way- you are somebody’s safety and hope in a time of crisis and need what better way to show the love of Jesus than saving lives and serving others. I am so proud of the man my husband is.

So here’s a little Q&A (H-Heather, W-Wes)

H: What was the hardest thing to do in training when you were a rookie vs. the hardest thing as of now?

W: The hardest thing about being a rookie is was not knowing what you were doing and the hardest thing now is staying teachable and not seeming like you know everything.

H: What has changed in your years of experience since you’re first day as rookie?

W: The crew now relies on me to be a key member of the team, I have more responsibilities than I did as a rookie, the newness wore off. You learn as you go.

H: What is your favorite thing that your station does for the community besides protecting them?

W: One my favorite things that we do is the Santa claus run to get out there and see the joy of the kids as well as the families in our community is a pretty amazing feeling.

Adventure Always Awaits

Not all who wander are lost…“. A common phrase many post of their wall or have it tattooed. But few actually go wandering off the beaten path…and as Frost would say take the road less traveled. Adventure is out there, go find it. Life is too short to be bored or be boring!

Travel, conquer fears, try new things, do things you never dreamed you could do or would do AND do the things you have always dreamed of doing…then do it again just because you loved it. If any of you know me well personally or spend just a short time around me you know I have a pretty extensive bucket list (and always adding to it!). I started making it and writing it down probably since 2012 when I was 22, and it has ever evolved into many drafts on handwritten notebook paper with purple ink that now faded to pink graffiti, or the notebook I have that I  journal about my life and story that I’ve kept since about 2014, or the list making and note taking app I have on my phone that I use for just about everything, but my absolute personal sentimental favorite is the “Our Bucket List” journal that my then boyfriend now husband got me for Valentine’s back in 2018, with tickets to Biltmore Estates and the date marked for the day after my birthday March 10, 2018 THE DAY HE ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM! As you can see that’s my favorite bucket list because it’s our adventures and dreams together. So, there’s more to the proposal you see, one of our favorite Disney/Pixar movies when we were dating was the movie UP. Carl and Ellie and their grand adventures and adorable romance. The book was part of Wes’ proposal “Our Adventure Book” filled with pictures and ticket stubs and mementos from our few years of dating and even our just friends years in college. The page said “Life is a grand adventure, I could not think of anyone better to be on this journey with! Will you continue our adventures as my wife?” What a perfect proposal in my opinion! Five years together, two years married and the adventure continues!

A few weeks ago my husband Wes and I just completed the Ultimate Outsider Challenge for South Carolina State Parks. This challenge means you have visited and explored all 47 state parks in our beautiful Palmetto state. We have 46 lovely counties full of small town charm and lots of historic sites. We started in 2017 when we were just dating and leisurely completed the challenge on January 13, 2021. We have camped and stayed at several and even visited a few of the closest ones more than once. Long ago before we ever dated and were just friends in college, our senior trip for an actual course credit was a mission trip to Costa Rica back in January 2014. Our honeymoon was a cruise to the Bahamas back in January 2019. Every year on our anniversary so far we like to take some trip and explore! I have only flown in a plane once and cruised on a ship once, but once you do it- you’ll want to go somewhere over and over again. On to the next adventure!

You can break down your goals, dreams, journeys and adventures however you want: by decades, by year, by career, by travel, by stuff you do as a couple, as a family or gal pals. It doesn’t matter where you go, or what you do it’s what you want to do in heart that sparks joy or something big that you know God has called you to do. It can be short and sweet or long and ever evolving. Life isn’t always about the destination but the journey! Who you’re makes it even more fun and memorable! Together is a great place to be, or somethings are more a solo trek! Whatever speaks to your heart!

Here below is a copy of my bucket list: and I’m always adding things to it!

[ ] 1. Be a better wife, daughter, sister, cousin, aunt, niece, friend, leader, teacher. Be a better me, a better Christian, a better witness, a better heart attitude.
[ ] 2. Lead more people to Jesus Christ, make an impact.
[ ] 3. Become a godly wife and mother.
[✔] 4. Get married to the love of my life one day. God sent my Prince.  (January 5, 2019 Wesley Alexander Carnley)
[✔] 5. Get married in the church I grew up in. (January 5, 2019)
[✔] 6. Be kissed in the rain/dance in the rain
[✔] 7. Watch the sunrise, wake up to see a new day begin. Watch the sunset.
[✔] 8. Go on a mission trip
(January 9-20, 2014 with CIU youth min) first but definitely won’t be my last!
[✔] 9. Fly on a plane (January 9, 2014)
[✔] 10. Visit Costa Rica (January 9-20, 2014 CIU mission trip)
[ ] 11. Visit Puerto Rico
[ ] 12. Visit Africa, safari
[ ] 13. See Victoria Falls in Africa
[ ] 14. Visit Europe, everywhere. France, England, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, etc. Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Arch de Triumph, Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge, Ireland, castles old churches. All of it.
[✔] 15. Walk on the beach early enough to watch the sun come up over the ocean. (in Jaco Beach Costa Rica January 2014)
[✔] 16. Ziplining in the mountains and rainforest (January 19, 2014-Costa Rica)
[ ] 17. Visit Rupp Arena & Commonwealth Stadium in Lexington, KY. GO CATS!
[ ] 18. Visit Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY. Home of the Kentucky Derby. Visit Louisville Slugger Museum
[ ] 19. Visit Nashville and soak in all of Music City. Visit the Grand Ole Opry and Ryman Auditorium, sing on that stage once in my life.
[✔] 20. Go to a Clemson game at Memorial Stadium in Death Valley, SC (September 15, 2012)
[✔] 21. Go whitewater rafting (June 26-27, 2013 with youth group)
[ ] 22. Go ziplining in the Smoky Mtns AND at the Riverbanks Zoo (“Zip across the Zoo”)
[V] 23. Go iceskating (every year at Accelerant from 05) take Wes iceskating
[ ] 24. Go skiing (attempt)
[ ] 25. Swim in all 4 oceans: ✔Atlantic, ✔Pacific, Artic, Indian.
[ ] 26. Visit the Holy Land. Jerusalem, Israel. Bethlehem and all the biblical places where Jesus was. Tel Aviv. Galilee, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, etc.
[ ] 27. Swim/float in the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
[✔] 28. Read the bible more than once cover to cover.
[ ] 29. Travel, go on a cross country road trip.
[ ] 30. Write and publish a book or a few. (Working on it started in March 2020)
[ ] 31. Pay off my student loans
[✔] 32. Get my driver’s license (November 22, 2014)
[✔] 33. Graduate High School (May 29, 2008)
[✔] 34. Graduate College, obtain at least 2 degrees. (Bible Certificate, Youth Ministry & Family Culture BS) (May 17, 2014)
[ ] 35. Earn my Master’s degree, attend grad school. Pursue higher education
[✔] 36. Own my own truck. (bought and paid for, title and all) June 29, 2015
[✔] 37. Become first aid/CPR certified. April 15, 2016 and Sept 16, 2016
[ ] 38. Get my CWP, own a handgun and a rifle.
[ ] 39. Learn to ride a bike.
[ ] 40. Go to the Carolina/Clemson football game (Palmetto Bowl)
[ ] 41. Ropes course at Riverbanks Zoo
[ ] 42. Indoor Rockclimbing…may be real Rockclimbing too.
[ ] 43. Read all of C.S. Lewis books
[ ] 44. Get my hunting license-DNR course
[✔] 45. Get my official fishing license (March 2015)
[ ] 46. Take photography classes and become a licensed photographer
[ ] 47. Visit Memphis, visit Graceland
[ ] 48. Visit Atlanta-Go to a Braves game.
[ ] 49. Visit Charlotte and all the fun things to do there
[✔] 50. Visit Billy Graham Museum and Library in NC (May 2009)
[ ] 51. Visit Chick-fil-a corporate home office in ATL. Also visit the original Dwarf Grill
[✔] 52. Visit the original KFC, Sanders Cafe in Corbin, KY (Labor Day Sept 7, 2015)
[✔] 53. Visit Cumberland Falls, (National Park in KY) September 7, 2015
[ ] 54. See the Moonbow at Cumberland Falls.
[✔] 55. Go on a cruise, Bahamas (HONEYMOON January 6-12, 2019)
[ ] 56. Visit Hawaii
[ ] 57. Go to Disney World, visit Cinderella’s castle
[ ] 58. Go to a NASCAR race
[✔] 59. Go deep sea fishing (Freeport Bahamas, honeymoon Jan 8, 2019 caught Mahi Mahi and had it for lunch)
[ ] 60. Horseback riding on the beach at sunset.
[✔] 61. Own my own small business (Mary Kay income to grow H4HH)
[ ] 62. Helicopter ride
[✔] 63. Own my own home one day
[ ] 64. Visit NYC, see the Statue of Liberty at Ellis Island, visit Rockefeller Plaza especially during Christmas/NYE, iceskate at Rockefeller Plaza…would be super cool
[ ] 65. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC
[ ] 66. Visit the Smithsonian Museum of American History, National Archives, Monuments at Washington DC
[ ] 67. Visit Grand Canyon, Arizona
[✔] 68. Visit Savannah (Tybee Island) July 31-August 2, 2015
[ ] 69. Visit New Orleans
[ ] 70. Visit Niagra Falls
[ ] 71. Visit Italy -all the cities, art, culture, food, architecture. Throw a penny in the Trevi Fountain, see the colesium. house of Montague and Capulet of Romeo and Juliet in Verona. Tuscany. Milan.
[ ] 72. USMC mud run
[ ] 73. Run a 5K (at least one)
[✔] 74. Learn to play guitar (started in 2005…sophomore at AC Flora)
[✔] 75. Learn to play piano (started when I was 11…quit and then fell in love again with it at 16)
[ ] 76. Learn to play banjo, fiddle and drums too
[ ] 77. Richard Petty Driving Experience at Lowes Motor Speedway in Charlotte
[ ] 78. Eat at Lady and Sons restaurant in Savannah (Paula Deens) Meet Paula Deen
[ ] 78. Hot air balloon ride
[ ] 79. Carolina Adventure World, mudding
[ ] 80. Read more often, especially literary classics
[✔] 81. Get second hole pierced in my ears
[✔] 82. Eat at Bubba Gumps Shrimp Co restaurant (twice in Gatlinburg once in Charleston)
[ ] 83. Learn sign language (ASL)
[ ] 84. Go to a pro game (NFL, MLB, NBA)
[ ] 85. Go to an NCAA Championship game.
[ ] 86. Learn to speak a foreign language fluently (Spanish first, Italian or French maybe after that)
[ ] 87. Go to a concert Meet Dolly Parton
[✔] 88. Go to DollyWood (Pigeon Forge TN) (family summer vacation in July of 02,03,04)
[✔] 89. Meet Billy Graham ( not applicable. He passed away in Feb 2018)
[✔] 90. Go to a Hillsong United Concert (July 18, 2016 @ Colonial Life Arena with Lauren Daigle)
[✔] 91. Go to a Chris Tomlin concert (November 2012 Florence Civic Center)
[✔] 92. Take self defense classes (for women) April 27, 2019
[ ] 93. Learn to be a better swimmer
[ ] 94. Go to real Broadway show
[ ] 95. Hike the Appachalian Trail
[ ] 96. Hike the Palmetto Trail
[ ] 96. Conquer my fear of rollercoasters
[ ] 97. Ride a mechanical bull
[ ] 98. Go to a rodeo
[ ] 99. Take horseback riding lessons
[ ] 100. Start a nonprofit organization/ministry
[✔] 101. Start a blog ministry (Hope For Her Heart: June 22, 2015)
[✔] 102. Set up a 401K or some type of retirement fund or IRA (the week of my 30th Birthday)
[ ] 103. Visit the American Girl Store (finally one day get a doll!)
[ ] 104. Go to a Reba concert
[ ] 105. Learn to line dance
[✔] 106. Buy a nice pair of cowboy boots, a leather belt with my name on it.
[ ] 107. Go to drive in movie
[ ] 108. Learn to translate Hebrew and Greek
[ ] 109. Be able to afford to take my parents on a real vacation one day.
[ ] 110. Be able to thank and repay my parents for all they’ve done in my life
[ ] 111. Own my own family farm one day.
[ ] 112. Own a few horses
[✔] 113. Visit all state parks and historical sites in SC, especially Columbia, Charleston, Camden.
[ ] 114. Read all Nicholas Sparks books and see all the movies
[ ] 115. Volunteer more time at various local charities, ministries and non-profit organizations
[ ] 116. Be a “big sister” through Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization
[ ] 117. Become a licensed counselor
[✔] 118. Become a teacher (hired at Adlerian Child Care Center in Irmo January 27, 2016 preschool…Creative Beginnings Christian Child Development Center December 28, 2017- Assistant Director both centers)
[✔] 119. Become a children’s pastor, youth pastor (Children’s Director April 2, 2017)
[ ] 120. Sponsor a child through world vision or compassion international
[ ] 121. Go on a mission trip to one of the orphanages through world vision or compassion international
[ ] 122. Volunteer with Operation Blessing with CBN The 700 Club
[ ] 123. Sleep on a blanket under the stars one summer night
[ ] 124. Grow my hair long enough to chop it short and donate
[ ] 125. Collect a family recipe cookbook, research our family tree ancestry and create scrapbook
[ ] 126. One day become either a foster parent or adopt a child, give hope of a better life
[ ] 127. Raise our future children to follow Jesus
[✔] 128. Be someone’s crazy awesome aunt (my real nephews are older than me more like brothers…first great nephew in 2004-added 3 more sweeties when I got married…we have 10 nephews, 5 neices)
[✔] 129. Be a bridesmaid (Bridgett and Justin’s Wedding 12.31.15, Cam and Kate’s Wedding 11.17.17, Bobby and Colleen’s wedding 12.8.18)
[✔] 130. Create intentional random of acts of kindness
[ ] 131. Be a nanny
[✔] 132. Catch lightning bugs in a mason jar
[ ] 133. Go to a shooting range (an indoor and outdoor)
[ ] 136. Meet Tim Tebow
[ ] 134. Go hunting
[ ] 135. Go sailing on a beautiful sailboat
[ ] 137. Meet Luke Kuechly
[ ] 138. Volunteer for at least a week or two with St. Jude Children’s Hospital
[ ] 139. Meet Wendy Griffith of The 700 Club
[ ] 140. Meet Mandy Hale, blogger and author The Single Woman
[ ] 141. Travel and Train Compel Writing Workshop with Proverbs 31 Ministries. Meet Lysa TerKeurst and Renee Swope
[ ] 142. She Speaks Conference through Proverbs 31 Ministries
[ ] 143. Volunteer or be on staff for She Reads Truth
[ ] 144. Meet and sit down with our lovely former Governor Nikki Haley and shake her hand, thank her for her diligence and hard work.
[ ] 145. Pursue more higher education: maybe an additional bachelor’s degree, quite possibly an associate’s, definitely some certifications
[ ] 146. Go on the tour of historic homes (Robert Mills District) in downtown Columbia
[✔] 147. Hold baby wild animals…like a tiger cub, joey(baby kangaroo), a wolf pup, a kinkaju, and lemurs! (Zootastic Park in NC March 19, 2016)
[✔] 148. Get over my fear(more so “nerves”) of public speaking
[ ] 149. Write a letter to myself and open it in 10 years and repeat.
[✔] 150. Visit The Biltmore Estate in Asheville and other fun things to do there. {March 10, 2018…the day I said YES to Wes, the best man I’ve ever known!💍} The day after my 28th birthday
[ ] 151. Visit Greece. Greece-all the cities, art, culture, food, architecture. Athens. Sparta. Santorini. Thessalonica. Crete. Corinth.
[ ] 152. Visit “Pretty Place” the chapel on the mountain at YMCA Camp Greenville in Cleveland SC
[✔] 153. See Kari Jobe in concert (Accelerant Conference 2014, Gatlinburg TN)
[✔] 154. See Lauren Daigle in concert (July 18, 2016 @ Colonial Life Arena opened for Hillsong United)
[✔] 155. Earn more certifications and credentials (college courses)
[✔] 156. Go kayaking, and canoeing. (June 3, 2017 Broad River with Wes)
[✔] 157. Enter my art/photography in the state fair or any contest. (October 2019)
[✔] 158. Go Hiking
[✔] 159. Ultimate Outsider Challenge all 47 SC State Parks with the Park Passport Plus (June 17, 2017 & COMPLETED January 13, 2021)
[✔] 160. Go to a Carolina football game at Williams Brice (September 16,  2017 vs Kentucky with Wes)
[ ] 161. Swim with dolphins
[✔] 163. Tropical Kayaking Adventure {Half Moon Cay Bahamas Carnival Island…January 9, 2019 honeymoon…Bonefish Lagoon saw starfish, conch, sea cucumbers, and jellyfish}
[✔] 164. Put a love lock on Lake Murray Dam with Wes (July 20, 2018)
[ ] 165. Slow dance in the headlights on some back country road
[✔] 166. Go snorkeling {Half Moon Cay Bahamas Carnival private Island January 9, 2019}
[✔] 167. Watch all Star Wars movies  in order. Fill in missing pieces of story line.
[✔] 168. Take Dad to see Air Force museum in Savannah
[ ] 169. Watch all Marvel movies in order. Fill in missing story line pieces.
[✔] 170. Be an entrepreneur (started Mary Kay June 2019)
[✔] 171. Adopt a puppy (Sept 26, 2019 we brought home our Beagle/Labrador  Ginger)
[✔] 172. Mount Airy (Mayberry) NC home town of Andy Griffith -birthday surprise trip March 9, 2020
[ ] 173. Dahlonega, Georgia at Christmas time
[✔] 174. Buy a lottery ticket
[✔] 175. Diamond Hill Mine in Abbeville SC
[ ] 176. Visit Brazil. See the Amazon. Experience Rio de Janiero
[✔] 177. Go to a tea room with my mom,  my sister’s, my aunts and my closest girlfriends (definitely will be going again)
[✔] 178. Take pictures in a sunflower field and pick some 6/28/20
[ ] 179. Meet Ree Drummond and go to the ranch and Mercantile in Oklahoma
[ ] 180. Meet Joanna Gaines (and Chip) and visit the Magnolia Market at the Silos in Waco, Texas
[ ] 181. Be on Wheel of Fortune
[✔] 182. God’s Acre Healing Springs, Blackville SC
[✔] 183. Eudora Farms drive thru safari
[ ] 184. See the Great Sequoias and Redwoods National Forest
[ ] 185. Visit all the National Parks
[ ] 186. Biltmore at Christmastime
[ ] 187. Stay in a cute little bed and breakfast
[ ] 188. Guardian ad Litem (GAL)
[✔] 189. Cake baking, decorating side business (November 2020)
[✔] 190. Watch all The Chronicles of Narnia movies
[✔] 191. Brookgreen Gardens at Murrells Inlet

So I say this with a big heart full of hope and wonder, get out there! Find things you are passionate about and do them! Find curiosity and wonder and go explore! Got questions, go find answers! Want to learn something new? Go try it out! There is no harm done in trying something different! Life is way too short to be boring or full of what ifs and the “shoulda-coulda-wouldas”. If anything 2020 taught us all, things can change faster than you think. But I leave you with this heartfelt YES, the very best decision you could make and greatest adventure you’ll ever take is to follow Jesus. Let Him be your compass to whatever roads you take. Life is not always about the destination but the journey, bumpy roads often lead to beautiful places and the most beautiful destination awaits with Jesus: Heaven. Let life here on earth show no fear of the unknown. “Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures”

In the spirit of adventure and wanderlust,

Heather (and Wes) Carnley ❤

Looking for ideas of places to go? 

Bucket list journals         

Adventure Challenge

No More

Enough is enough. Time to stand up. Take a stand.

No more Christian nice girl. Being nice is easy. The hard the thing is being nice when it has become something people use to their advantage on you. Not happening anymore.

No more being a doormat to others, I refuse to being walked over.

No more letting others’ opinions of me or what they think “I should do” rule how I do things in my life.

No more being disrespected or looked over as my opinions or ideas don’t matter.

No more guilt tripping from others. Your happiness and mood does NOT depend on me or my shoulders, and mine certainly doesn’t depend on you. Your responsibilities don’t belong on my shoulders. My responsibilities belong to me. God gave them to me, I will be a good steward.

No more sitting idly by and watch the world fall by the wayside. Sin running rampant and ruin lives. Not today Satan.

No more wasting time and energy.

No more worrying what others think of me. Their opinions do not determine or define my worth or value.

No more feeling inadequate. No more feeling insecure. No more feeling less than or better than.

No more feeling judged. No more feeling left out.

No more believing the lies of the enemy. No more settling for less.

No more negative self-talk.

No more niceness being mistaken naivety. Being a nice and good wholesome is not a free ticket to be treated as if you are dumb.

No more worry. No more doubt. No more fear.

Enough is enough.

I am good enough. You are good enough. I am better than the lies from the enemy that thwart and twist the real truth, no one is better than or less than. Every doubt, fear, and worry and insecurity fades away.

Take back your heart. Put it in the hands of the One who created it. The only acceptable surrender is to God, not others. Declaration of dependence on God alone. Declaration of defiance to the enemy. No more Christian nice girl, this princess wears armor not just a crown. Suit up, sis.