“GO!”: A New Look at a New Year by Heather H.


“GO!”: A New Look at a New Year

Hello 2016, Happy (belated) New Year! It’s that time of year when everyone starts reflecting back on the year they’ve had and looking towards the future. You may have had an amazing year full of cheerful and blessed moments, accomplishments, and milestones. You may have had a really tough and tumultuous year full of heartache, pain, setbacks, and maybe even tragedy. Most people have a year full of both triumph and tragedy, joy and pain…just like life. You sometimes have to taste the bitter with the sweet. Whether we like it or not, time marches on. For some time may have flown by too fast. For others it may seem as if time is crawling by so slowly. Time goes on, it doesn’t stop for anyone or anything; and as much as we would like to pause it, slow it down, rewind, or fast forward all we can do is let it play until it stops. Well, regardless of what your year has looked like in 2015 we all look to the future with hope of something better in 2016.

Let’s talk about one word that we ALL hear right about now, some of us may use this word frequently with good intentions others maybe sick of hearing the lame excuse for motivation that just falls short…you know what I’m talking about, RESOLUTIONS. That’s right “New Year’s Resolutions” those ever-so-famous little standards and marks we set for ourselves every January. The classic ones: To lose weight (for some it may be to gain a little weight; hey don’t judge!), To eat healthier and exercise more, To quit and drop bad habits or addictions, To spend more time with loved ones, Read more often or Read the Bible more often. Those are some common ones we’ve heard before. This type of year gym membership sales, cookbook and self help book sales tend to soar.

Well let’s think about the word “resolution”. According to dear ole Webster, “resolution” means “the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. the act of resolving something. an answer or solution to something.” Now I can see where people use this word in the case of addictions or bad habits they want to break. I don’t know about you but when I hear the word “resolve” I automatically think that there’s a problem that needs solving. Well what if you don’t have a “problem” but just want to do better? The reality is there is a problem…it’s a problem we all face because we live in a fallen and imperfect world: the root problem is SIN. But that problem was “resolved” many years ago by Jesus Christ dying on the cross. If we focus on our problems they can consume us, just like we can easily let sin consume. If you’re looking for a way to tackle your “resolutions”, the first (and really only) “resolution” anyone should make is to follow Jesus. Let Him take over, confess your sins, ask for forgiveness, and let Him mend the broken pieces. No one is perfect, but Jesus is.

The next thing I want to tell you may just blown your mind: throw your resolution ideas out the window because we’re gonna talk about another word: GOALS! I personally like goals better than resolutions myself, they seem more attainable and honestly more positive. Back to ole Mr. Webster again; the word “goal” means “something that you are trying to do or achieve”. Another definition puts it this way; “the object of a person’s ambition or effort, an aim or desired result.” In one of my previous blog posts “What Drives You and Who Defines You” I discussed and elaborated on Jeremiah 29:11 says “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord; ‘plans for a hope and a future, not for destruction.” The future is something we look forward to in hope but we have no idea what it will bring. We can make all the resolutions and goals we want, but without God they fail and fall apart. Proverbs, the book of wisdom has quite a few verses that sum up this logic; “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3) and then a few verses later says “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9). We can have goals, dreams, and ambitions but if we don’t seek God first they won’t even make it off the ground. Every man, every woman, every boy and every girl has specific dreams and desires in their heart that God has put there for His specific purpose in your life! Girl, you better believe the King has big plans for His princess daughter! Psalm 37:4 says “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Without Him, we are nothing. With Him, anything is possible.

So look at the first two letters of “goal”: that’s right, G-O! Go. Plain and simple. Don’t ask God to guide your footsteps if you aren’t willing to move your feet! You have to make the first step after seeking Him and praying, to step out. Whatever it may be: going to the gym, grabbing a salad or fruit instead of that burger or candy bar, walking more places, start writing that book, start that blog (like I did), go back to school finish that degree, put down your addictions and habits one day at a time, travel to new places and adventures, apply for that dream job, go on a mission trip, pick up your bible and start reading, don’t be a afraid to go on a date, take the time to cherish your family and friends, whatever it is! Be spontaneous, Be courageous, Be adventurous, Be fearless, but always Be Faithful! The letters in “GO” also remind us of one very important thing: God Oriented. We must place all our desires, dreams, wants, needs, all the happiness and all the pain at His feet. Place your heart in His hands and it will be lead in the direction of your dreams. If you had a heartbreaking year, full of pain and disappointments; grieve and let it go. There’s the word GO again, it will take time. So go ahead, make your list of goals, or your “bucket list”: pray over it and take it a month at time, a week at a time, one day at a time: grace upon grace. Don’t worry because something is “new” that it can be intimidating and scary. Isaiah 43:18-19 says “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” He is doing a NEW thing! I have always said “Forget the past, but not what it has taught you.” With all this being said, tell me where is there any room for excuses? Goals. God-Oriented. Grace upon grace. Now, what are you waiting for? GO!


With Love, Courage, and the spirit of Adventure 😉
your sister in Christ, Heather