“The Best Yes”-Lysa Terkeurst {October: Book of the Month}

Here is the very first H4HH #bookofthemonth !
Lysa Terkeurst is absolutely one of my favorite authors and speakers. She’s the founder of Proverbs 31 Ministries , a wife and mother and self proclaimed “Jesus Girl”. This book came to me in a season where I knew I needed to read it but was truly “overwhelmed” and distracted by all the busyness in my life. I was tired, tired of being busy, tired of burnout, tired of being overwhelmed. I wanted to be so many things to so many but I can’t be everything to everyone… This book taught the value and power of the two most simplest words (often the first words we are taught) yes and no. When I was working at Family Christian Stores, I would spend half of my paycheck at the store. I remember when this book came out on the shelves I had always followed Lisa and her ministry. I’ve seen her books many times but for some reason this book jumped out at me among all of her other books and titles in the past that she had wrote. You see, I’ve always been a “Yes Girl”, I was always down for any plan, idea, helping someone, serving someone, doing everything. Never saying “no” to anyone or anything…slowly but surely becoming a doormat (letting people walk over me) and take advantage of my nice good-girl, people pleasing attitude and servant’s heart. Jesus served and loved, as a Jesus follower I should do what He did right? Yes, but not once in Scripture do we see that Jesus let people walk over him (He is divine, holy, and powerful yet human like us.) I was the girl who never said NO. Even though I had been told that before in my life (Lysa’s book Uninvited on my list of must reads next!) I had to stop pleasing others and burning myself out (still learning and practicing that everyday!). I kept saying I would read it, and didn’t get around to it, until I finally did and it shook me. I started it and couldn’t put it down then I got distracted amidst life’s demands (and wedding planning!) and then finally finished it a few months ago. It woke me up, opened my eyes and challenged every thought I had about decisions and priorities. I can’t be everything to everyone at one time! The older I get the more I realize, Superwoman or Wonder Woman (wonder how on earth I manage to do it?!) has to rest and the mindset of yes and no decisions effect everyday. Saying no to something right now is this season doesn’t mean a no forever. Saying yes right now to something different doesn’t mean forever either. Life changes and seasons of life shift. The beauty is that’s okay. Not every decision is a “be all, end all” decision. Little decisions make big differences when it comes to making the big decisions in life. The power to say YES to what is BEST right now. Priorities and wisdom for the moment in front of you. Below are some snippets from the book (you can always tell I love a book because of pen marks, notes, highlights, circled, underlined, tear stained, coffee spills, crinkled and bent pages…means it was well read and loved!) Without giving too much away here are some of my favorites, but check it out for yourself!

Happy reading friends! 📚 ☕