Justice of Peace, Walk in Freedom

Peace vs. Chaos. Justice vs. Injustice. Fear vs. Faith. Freedom vs. Captivity. July 4, 1776 and June 19, 1865…dates that represent freedom. One for the birth of a country breaking away from a tyrannical ruler, the other for people the first time being called free and not someone else’s property. Rewind centuries earlier, thousands of years earlier: a dreary Friday, a silent Saturday, and a glorious Sunday where death had been defeated…the day where true freedom began.

In the world as of lately, it was and is in an uproar let’s be realistic. A global pandemic causing death, everything to shut down and people living in fear. A battle against racial tension and injustice, inequality. Politics. Economic crisis. A coin shortage. Churches under attack from the enemy. And so much more, it will make your head spin if it’s all you consume yourself with. You will drive yourself crazy if it’s all you see and hear and let yourself think about. Step away and look at society, and look at it a little more personally: Who is in control of your actions? Who is in control of your thoughts and opinions? Who is in control of how your feelings and emotions cause you to react? Who is in control of the choices you make? The answer to all these questions is the same…YOU. God is in control of all things in the great big world and universe, but He gave us the ability to think, know, grow, live and make our own choices…good ones and bad ones. Freedom of choice. Freedom of opinion. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of speech. (Scripture says to be careful with our words because the power of life and death is in the tongue) We live in a country where we can do just about anything that is legal of course. You even have the freedom (free will) to go and make bad decisions (remember to everything there is a consequence). You sadly can oppress your own self by choices you make, in the form of addictions or vicious cycles if you so choose. You can work, you can dream, you can have a family. You can go into your church and worship freely. We have those rights. In the Declaration of Independence it states these three main points: All men (and women) are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable Rights including Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. Individuals have a civic duty to defend these rights for themselves and others. You have been given LIFE by the one who created YOU. You have been given LIBERTY, freedom by His Son Jesus on the Cross. You have been given the pursuit of happiness by the JOY that He brings you…anything else you chase and pursue you won’t always catch. This world cannot steal away what it did not give you to begin with. What is given by God cannot be taken away.

Let’s go back to that last part, no one can steal your joy or your peace, because no one in this world gave it to you. But freedom now, no one or no thing can hold you captive unless you let them have the keys! What freedom feels like is walking in your calling. What freedom feels like is knowing you are protected and loved. Freedom feels like a safety net and leap of fearless faith all in one because His arms will catch you. Freedom to fly and soar. What freedom feels like is walking into the sunlight. What freedom feels like is breathing in new fresh air in lungs once suffocated by panic. What freedom feels like is a new life. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! Jesus sets free every captive. He has the key, let Him in. Every chain can be broken or if it has a lock, you know there’s a key to it somewhere! Stop letting other people’s opinions, choices, words and actions determine you and your choices, opinions, words and actions. We often fall victim to our own thoughts, we create our own prisons of doubt and fear. Y’all, who the SON sets FREE is FREE INDEED! Stop letting others opinions and choices effect and dictate your life! We are called to live in freedom.

A Day in the Life of a Fire Wife-Volunteering to save lives

Tones drop, even when they’re not at the station. Radio chatter, hearing the dispatcher relay the situation at hand. Notifications pinging throughout the day. Gear bag and boots ready in bag by the door. Charging radio batteries. The majority of his wardrobe in the laundry being fire department shirts. Hearing an engine or ladder company go by sirens blaring wondering if its his crew. Waving at every fire truck that rides by because it might just be part of your fire family and if not it’s someone’s family. Trying to watch a tv show or movie and firefighter and trucks are on scene and he scoffs and laughs saying “That’s not how you do it! That’s Hollywood, it’s not accurate.” I just smile and laugh. Buying every firetruck or Maltese cross emblem or ornament or trinket as small reminders of how proud I am of him. For as long as we have been dating, he has been a volunteer firefighter and I have been a preschool teacher. We were both young and had been out of college two years, we were indeed brand new rookies. We had known each other 5 years as college friends, we didn’t date until 2 years after we graduated. In college we both graduated with the same Bachelor’s degree of Science in Youth Ministry and Family Culture.  Little did we know that our “ministry” would look different than we ever expected. Wes loves what he does, but yet most people think volunteer firefighters aren’t “actual” firefighters or that they don’t get paid because they are “volunteer”, or that they don’t do the same stuff career firefighters (just like some people think that childcare and preschool teachers don’t do the same amount of work that regular school teachers do). Let me set the record straight on all regards here, IT IS the same. Volunteer Firefighters have to go through the same recruitment classes, rigorous training, and testing that a career firefighter does. Danger or fire doesn’t care if you or career or volunteer, you must be ready and trained either way. Training, drills, station meetings, classes and continuing education that they do, community outreach and service-everything they do career staff and volunteers do it together as a team-there is no difference. As for pay, they do get a check for what they earn and do every so often a month or quarter. Back to what I said about how our “ministry” looks different than what we expected it would from our college days, firefighting is a ministry in it’s own way- you are somebody’s safety and hope in a time of crisis and need what better way to show the love of Jesus than saving lives and serving others. I am so proud of the man my husband is.

So here’s a little Q&A (H-Heather, W-Wes)

H: What was the hardest thing to do in training when you were a rookie vs. the hardest thing as of now?

W: The hardest thing about being a rookie is was not knowing what you were doing and the hardest thing now is staying teachable and not seeming like you know everything.

H: What has changed in your years of experience since you’re first day as rookie?

W: The crew now relies on me to be a key member of the team, I have more responsibilities than I did as a rookie, the newness wore off. You learn as you go.

H: What is your favorite thing that your station does for the community besides protecting them?

W: One my favorite things that we do is the Santa claus run to get out there and see the joy of the kids as well as the families in our community is a pretty amazing feeling.

Have a little FAITH: 2021

A year of change and chaos. Faith or fear-you choose. 2020 has been quite a year. A pandemic, civil and political unrest, an election. COVID-19. Racial issues and differences. Crazy weather, of tornadoes and hurricanes. Unprecedented changes, working from home, virtual learning, business and government shut downs, no big events or crowds, wearing masks wherever you go, sanitizing everything and being deemed an “essential “. This year has been anything but normal for many people. Lives have been lost from this virus. And yet many have also recovered. Some of you may have had great year, and some of you may have had an awful year. Yet at the end of the day, we all will move forward. I’ve said several times if 2020 had a slogan or catchphrase it would be “I’m over it”. I’m going  to “retweet” myself from my blog I wrote on New Year’s 2016: You may have had an amazing year full of cheerful and blessed moments, accomplishments, and milestones. You may have had a really tough and tumultuous year full of heartache, pain, setbacks, and maybe even tragedy. Most people have a year full of both triumph and tragedy, joy and pain…just like life. You sometimes have to taste the bitter with the sweet. Whether we like it or not, time marches on. For some time may have flown by too fast. For others it may seem as if time is crawling by so slowly. Time goes on, it doesn’t stop for anyone or anything; and as much as we would like to pause it, slow it down, rewind, or fast forward all we can do is let it play until it stops.” This is true everyday, every year. We can’t “turn back time” or can we skip ahead to the new chapter or year that awaits. You push through, you keep going just like we have done all year in 2020. Everyone keeps saying “goodbye and good riddance 2020” but I challenge you to find the good things that you had this year, it can’t all be bad. The little moments and memories made, the small victories over challenges. Cling to what is good and cling to what is God’s and that’s the Word- His truth. Look for opportunities to grow, chances to change, circumstances to show grace and extend love in a world that really needs it. Let go of the negative nastiness-that bitter pill. I’m gonna recap and review something I posted months ago in the spring of 2020 during quarantine because it’s a great reminder:

“The Bible warns of such plagues and pestilence, its not a new thing (they had infectious diseases in Biblical times too). Signs and wonders are being shown to us. Prophecy still speaks now as it did thousands of years ago. Here’s how to brave it all.
2) Do NOT fear or panic, you lose all logical reasoning when you panic.
3) Wash your hands, stay healthy and safe follow “social distancing” and “self isolation” the best you can, but don’t let isolation make you feel alone in the midst. Reach out to friends, family, neighbors. If you struggle with loneliness or depression, find a buddy you can talk with regularly. We are in this together.
4) Use this time to find a new hobby, work on projects, catch up things, read your Bible, start a book that’s been on your must read list, create some crafts, have a family game night with your kids, try a new recipe, work out you’ll feel great, self-care, random acts of kindness towards others, take a nap and rest, it will restore your soul. (Remember 4:8, whatever things are good, think on them)
5) Recite Psalm 91 over you and your family/household. A prayer of protection: “My Refuge and My Fortress”
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord , “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge— no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
(Psalms 91:1‭-‬16 ESV

We all hear “Happy New Year” the next word that comes to mind, is “resolutions”. Quite honestly, I’m sick and tired of New Year’s resolutions. (If you’ve been keeping up with my blogs the past 5-6 years, my first blog of 2016 was about resolutions and goals: “GO!”: A New Look at a New Year posted January 2016). I prefer to set goals and find new adventures, especially trying new things. Trying new things can be intimidating and scary but that’s what makes it fun and makes life beautiful too. So, I’ve heard many people now choosing a “word for the year” each year instead of “resolutions”. My friends and I have been doing this for a quite a few years now. Last year in 2020, the word for me (alot of others as well) was VISION, let’s hash that out for a minute. 20/20 vision is said to be perfect vision, seeing clearer than ever before is what we all said we wanted for the new year well 2020 had a way of removing all the luxuries and things we take for granted, the everyday routines and tasks, places we go, people we gather with, all these things were shaken and stirred in 2020. We ask God for vision, He took off the blinders showed a bigger plan, removed all distractions, created a space and time of “containment” and “social distancing” to cultivate and change how we see the world around us and how we interact and treat others. Never take for granted your job, your school and education, your grocery store clerks and stockers, your waiter or waitress and cashier at restaurants, your delivery drivers, your teachers, your first responders, your healthcare workers, your time with family and friends. Never take these for granted ever again, that’s what 2020 has taught us. You may have lost alot this year, you will regain strength and overcome. My word for the year is overcome, not that I really personally had a tough year but loved ones around me did as an empath it’s tough. But the thing is overcoming any obstacle that the year has. No matter what may come, I will overcome because I know I have in the past. And another word I’ve chosen is simply “better”: meaning I will do better, I want to be better at all areas on my life, and better together when connection is so important.

I leave you with this, find something ONE thing, or five or ten that you want to grow in. Set a goal and give grace, to yourself and others. Seek God in every little thing and every big thing, in ALL things. Move forward, better together. “And even if it not good, God is still good”.

In hope and faith, covered in grace

Heather H. Carnley

What Freedom Feels Like

What is fear?

What are you afraid of?
When I was a young girl fear and used to collide. As a little girl who dealt with fear constantly, I can remember especially around October- a time when everything scary and frightening came to reality…even if it was fake. To me it felt all too real. Scary movies, costumes, ghost stories all of the above made their debut in October. I would jump in my bed and pull my covers up to my neck and pretend I didn’t hear the cre aky old house settling in for the night. I would make my parents check my closet and under my bed. My cousin Bridgett (who spent the night regularly) and I were so creeped out one time we made my mom move my porcelain dolls out of the room because we thought they were looking at us! Talk about silly! I never had any phobias like some people are afraid of snakes, spiders, heights, needles, clowns, crowds, etc. I never dealt with things like that. I dealt with irrational fears of accidents or the “what ifs”.

As I grew older that fear would shape shift and change into a different kind: insecurity, inadequacy, being not good enough, missing out or feeling left out, which happened a lot. (Something I still struggle with some days). It became less about phobias and irrational childhood nightmares and more of the anxious, looming feeling over my shoulder as I grew older. Fear has a younger sibling that is equally as paralyzing called anxiety. I dealt with anxiety, shyness (that was a very brief season in my life, not shy at all now!), and nervousness that crippled me at times. I would find excuses and let things hold me back. I would get nauseous at the thought of getting up to speak or even sing in front of an audience. Fast forward years later, I speak, sing, and teach all the time now. It’s as natural to me as breathing. I would blame panic attacks on asthma. My panic attacks wouldn’t always be the hyperventilating, heart racing kind, most days it would be nervous jitters and sick to my stomach feelings. In late summer 2013, what I thought was asthma related chest tightness turned into a fear: heart issues. After a 24 hr monitor, an echocardiogram and EKG all was normal except a little thing called PACs (premature atrial contractions) or early beats. My heart the upper chamber (atrial) would beat too prematurely causing my heart to beat and pump faster in order to catch back into a rhythm; causing fast palpitations and chest tightness. I knew many many year ago that I had been set free from anxiety and thus was my body not my mind and my spirit. I was not going to attach that to something physical because I was not claiming it over my life. Was it a little unnerving to hear that news? Yes it was at first, but I know the One who created my heart and makes it beat. Nothing to worry about because its very minor and no treatment required. Anxiety may have messed with my mind in the past but I wasn’t going to let it mess with my heart: emotionally, spiritually, or physically.

When I was a teenager, the anxiety had weakened but depression was more on the forefront.

Anxiety and depression are real. They are like twins that one rarely comes without the other.

Depression-mine was not caused by any traumatic life altering event. Little by little the seeds of doubt, fear and anxiety grew into a root of depression deep down, so deep you would’ve never known it was there until I told you. I’d think about people and things I’d lost and become sad. I’d think about the future and become anxious full of “I don’t knows” and “what ifs”. Life uncertainties that we can’t control, somehow prevailed in mind. Silly right? I know it doesn’t make sense but from time to time we all do it. I would wonder what would happen to me or my loved ones. I would think I wasn’t good enough even I was fully loved by my family and friends. I knew God loved me and my identity is and was in Christ. I constantly compared myself to others. Comparison is the thief of joy someone once said. I would cry for no reason. I would be scared for no reason. I never had suicidal thoughts EVER (if you struggle with those thoughts or tendencies please seek counseling help and know you are loved). I just couldn’t escape the prison I created in my own mind, not my heart because my heart knew the truth. In the past few years, I graduated college, changed careers, lost loved ones, and blessed with a beautiful relationship, now married, laughed, cried, struggled and became more brave.

God conquered my fears and doubts with growing my faith. Fear and faith can’t exist in the same dwelling place. God has been teaching me throughout the last few years that change is a normal part of life. Whether you’re like me and created your own prison in your mind by thoughts that were the fruit that grew of the root of depression from seeds of fear, doubt, anxiety OR you had some traumatic life altering thing or circumstance that you couldn’t control cause you to spiral, I’m here to tell you there is a thing called freedom. What freedom feels like is walking in your calling. What freedom feels like is knowing you are protected and loved. Freedom feels like a safety net and leap of fearless faith all in one because His arms will catch you. Freedom to fly and soar. What freedom feels like is walking into the sunlight. What freedom feels like is breathing in new fresh air in lungs once suffocated by panic. What freedom feels like is a new life. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! Jesus sets free every captive. He has the key, let Him in. Every chain can be broken or if it has a lock, you know there’s a key to it somewhere!

Every scripture verse is a key that He gives you. Scripture is alive and His words have power, when we speak these words and proclaim them over ourselves and speak them into the aatmosphere, the Spirit is moving! There’s a reason the Holy Bible is called the “sword of the spirit” it is our greatest weapon in our arsenal. The enemy and his petty, pitiful lies don’t stand a chance. So here’s some ammo for you to use:

2 Timothy 1:7 {KJV}

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Joshua 1:9 {NIV}

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

1 John 4:18 {ESV}

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”

Sincerely, once a depressed teen and anxiety-ridden child NOW a grown thriving woman of God walking in freedom ❤

-Heather H. Carnley

“Fear Not” Kristin DiMarco https://open.spotify.com/track/01O6M2ZmStZP1cMjcHZbIl?si=pPybrj8TTJ-PVdPpzFxyxQ

“The Breakup Song” Francesca Battastelli https://open.spotify.com/track/0jUTvJETUWQz5lnFMGQI2C?si=cdNQVINZSp2H_BE5lujLrQ

“Surrounded (Fight My Battles)” UPPERROOM https://open.spotify.com/track/5YHBpuXGcSWWWWdjOQCQxl?si=q2cufyhIRqSlyCgl9o_fiA

“Fear is a Liar” Zach Williams https://open.spotify.com/track/6Z85UCEueQcgSyChlrEu5G?si=Tr5aWHNMSWWw4l6Ihu4Bjw

“Fearless” Jasmine Murray https://open.spotify.com/track/7oZqpToODghmQtvmzmyfQK?si=cFdnFaqgSIq1CTpOCAN9Gw

“No Longer Slaves” Bethel Music https://open.spotify.com/track/63SF10lPoWA71bDYYzxfUs?si=MwEsd67bSsanNEkhSd4lMg

Check out more music, search Hope For Her Heart playlist on Spotify! 🎶


          2018. Four simple numbers. These numbers that add up to the next chapter in my book: life. Our lives are made of years, each year a chapter. Those chapters are full of moments and seasons. Seasons of joy, pain, growth and change. Life is measured by moments and memories. Happy (belated) New Year y’all! 2018 is my new chapter. We all hear “Happy New Year” the next word that comes to mind, is “resolutions”. Quite honestly, I’m sick and tired of New Year’s resolutions. (If you’ve been keeping up with my blogs the past 2-3 years, my first blog of 2016 was about resolutions and goals: “GO!”: A New Look at a New Year posted January 2016). I prefer to set goals and find new adventures, especially trying new things. Trying new things can be intimidating and scary but that’s what makes it fun and makes life beautiful too. So, I’ve heard many people now choosing a “word for the year” each year instead of “resolutions”. My friends and I have been doing this for a few years now. My dear friends on the She Matters Team were briefly discussing it last night at our meeting. The word I have picked and prayed over had been bouncing around in my brain and stirring in my spirit in the latest season of my life. My word I chose is BRAVE.
           BRAVE. Five simple letters. Bold, Radiant, Adventurous, Valiant, Endurance. These are words that just popped into my mind when I think of attributes related to bravery. The definition (according to Dictionary.com) of brave is “possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance”. When used as a verb, it states “to defy, challenge; dare”. I’ve always loved a challenge and growing up with boys I rarely turned down a dare. You better not tell me I “can’t” do something. To me, the word brave means stop letting things hold me back. Fear used to be something that crippled me but no longer has a place of residence in my life. Brave and bold to me means trying new things, new goals, new beginnings, new adventures, and new chapters. Stopping procrastinating and excuses. As a little girl who dealt with fear constantly… I dealt with anxiety, shyness (that was a very brief season in my life), and nervousness crippled me at times. I would find excuses and let things hold me back. When I was a teenager, the anxiety had weakened but depression was more on the forefront. I would get nauseous at the thought of getting up to speak or even sing in front of an audience. Fast forward ten years later, I speak and sing and teach all the time now. It’s as natural as breathing. I went through short periods of depression on and off throughout years, I’d be happy and cheerful on the outside but cry when I was alone. God conquered my fears and doubts with growing my faith. Fear and faith can’t exist in the same dwelling place. God has been teaching me throughout the last few years that change is a normal part of life. In the past few years, I graduated college, changed careers, lost loved ones, and blessed with a beautiful relationship with an amazing man who loves Jesus, laughed, cried, struggled and became more brave. Life is full of change. How we adapt to change is how we learn and grow.

          To me, in the latest season of my life “brave” means making changes and stepping out in faith: Two years ago, I left the retail and restaurant industry and went into child care, the world of early childhood education and preschool. Last year, I took a promotion as position of assistant director. I accepted a dream position of children’s director at my home church. Now, by the end of 2017 I had accepted a new job and a new direction at another child care center. Sometimes in life you have to step into uncertainty and trust in God’s direction when all you have is faith. In 2014, my last semester of college I went on a mission trip to Costa Rica: my first flight, my first mission trip, my first trip out of the country. On that trip, I was out of my comfort zone speaking Spanish, learning a laid-back culture, helping the poor and serving alongside brothers and sisters ministering through a church vbs and local church family. On that trip, I literally took a leap of faith and jumped off a zip line platform hundreds of feet in the rain forest canopy through the mountains and over the beaches in Jaco, Costa Rica flying about 40 mph about 600ft. What an exhilarating feeling! Crazy, scary, adrenaline-pumping, freeing and so much fun. Something I would have never known if I had let fear grip my life.

      So, being brave doesn’t have to mean zip lining through the rain forest. Brave could mean taking the initiative to do something different, to say hello to the neighbor or help someone who needs it, making better choices daily, making changes, taking a new direction. Anything that encourages adventure! So this year chase your dreams, knock out your goals with passion and fervor! Be FEARLESS! Don’t ask God to guide your footsteps if you aren’t willing to move your feet! You have to make the first step after seeking Him and praying, to step out. Sometimes being brave means having the courage walking away from something that was not meant for you. Sometimes being brave means facing whatever storm, for example battling cancer, head on like a warrior.  Whatever it may be (in light of resolutions and goals) going to the gym, grabbing a salad or fruit instead of that burger or candy bar, walking more places, start writing that book, start that blog (like I did), go back to school finish that degree, put down your addictions and habits one day at a time, travel to new places and adventures, apply for that dream job, go on a mission trip, don’t be a afraid to go on a date, pick up your bible and read it, take the time to cherish your family and friends, whatever it is! I’m knocking things off my bucket list in 2018! Be spontaneous. Be adventurous.

        Joshua, was one of the only two out of twelve young men who weren’t afraid of the so-called “giants” in the land that was promised to them. Joshua and his bestie, Caleb were leading the rest into uncertain territory. They gathered their armor and gear, all they knew is that God said this land was theirs and that He said go get it! I can’t imagine every thought, excuse that said nah man turn around but courage had set in. So I leave you with, Joshua 1:9 my verse for 2018 “Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Be courageous, Be fearless, but always be faithful!


With love, and the spirit of adventure,

A glimpse at a new hobby Wes and I found to do for a DIY date night: woodworking and engraving. [Joshua 1:9] 

I had already decided my “word for 2018” but just for fun one day I took this quiz and I kid you not, it confirmed what I already knew: my word was BRAVE. Listed below is a screenshot but go to www.dayspring.com/yourwordquiz

Once again, Happy New Year! #2018